Leomi Sadler/zine "Abomination"
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□ Artist
Leomi Sadler/レオミ・サドラー
□ Title
zine "Abomination"
□ Medium
black&white photocopy
□ Dimensions
W20 x H29 cm
□ Year
□ Description
Leomi Sadler is a British artist who has participated in solo and group exhibitions worldwide. Founder of the independent art publishing group Famicon Express and co-editor of the popular art book Mould Map, she has produced various unique artists.
Her works are impressive for their diversity of expression, including two-dimensional, three-dimensional, sculptural and animated works.
レオミ・サドラーは英国出身のアーティストで、世界各国で個展やグループ展に参加。インディペンデントアート出版グループ「Famicon Express」の創設者であり、人気の高いアートブック「Mould Map」の共編者とて新進気鋭の作家を多く輩出。
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¥1,540 tax included